Monday, November 23, 2009


Dota Allstars Official Site



Note that once you are registered to this site, you will have the privilege to download all that is in the site.Thank You

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  • Names Scores
    Jerry Abrigana(SpiritBreaker) 1,000,000,000
    Julius Macion(DoomBringer) 999,999,999.99

    Wednesday, November 4, 2009

    What I have learned today?

    Hello 4 today!

    i learned about the basic tags in creating a webpage... Now
    I've started my first step in my milestone in my journey to supremacy..hehe.. just kidding.. what i mean is that this would be my first step in my quest of being a web designer... ^___^

    Monday, November 2, 2009

    Whats Good & Bad About

    Banner- the size is readable & doesn't waste
    too much space.
    Ads-the ads doesn't waste too much space cause
    it only has 1 ad.
    Navigability- its very easy to search through the
    web because of sitemap.
    Links- it links through its related sites makes it
    easy to find the needed softwares.
    Content- it doesn't only stays on the topic but
    gives you broad knowledge about softwares, etc.
    Pictures- it doesn't need too much pictures cause
    it only speaks about the softwares.

    Colors-too simple colors but fits the websites Background- too simple

    It makes this a good website because it's user friendly and relevant, it gives the users sufficient education towards softwares and computer maintenance and also has a ranking on softwares mostly used by experts for you to choose.