Monday, November 23, 2009


Dota Allstars Official Site



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  • Names Scores
    Jerry Abrigana(SpiritBreaker) 1,000,000,000
    Julius Macion(DoomBringer) 999,999,999.99

    Wednesday, November 4, 2009

    What I have learned today?

    Hello 4 today!

    i learned about the basic tags in creating a webpage... Now
    I've started my first step in my milestone in my journey to supremacy..hehe.. just kidding.. what i mean is that this would be my first step in my quest of being a web designer... ^___^

    Monday, November 2, 2009

    Whats Good & Bad About

    Banner- the size is readable & doesn't waste
    too much space.
    Ads-the ads doesn't waste too much space cause
    it only has 1 ad.
    Navigability- its very easy to search through the
    web because of sitemap.
    Links- it links through its related sites makes it
    easy to find the needed softwares.
    Content- it doesn't only stays on the topic but
    gives you broad knowledge about softwares, etc.
    Pictures- it doesn't need too much pictures cause
    it only speaks about the softwares.

    Colors-too simple colors but fits the websites Background- too simple

    It makes this a good website because it's user friendly and relevant, it gives the users sufficient education towards softwares and computer maintenance and also has a ranking on softwares mostly used by experts for you to choose.

    Tuesday, January 6, 2009

    What's my New Years resolution?

    As the New year comes some of us brings out the fun and joy for a new year is new life for us all. We all know that that we cant be 100% perfect and we all know that faults in life cant prevented, that's why every new year we bring out our list of our new years resolution. And my new years resolution is that I wont be lazy all the time maybe sometimes but not allways, and another is that I'll improve my study habbits, and last of all I'll pass my projects and other requirements in school on time... thats all folks and have a prosperate year.